Friday, June 19, 2015

Your Toddler's Brain

I am sure there are moments in your life when you wish you could understand what’s happening inside your toddler’s mind. Here’s a clue right here:

Your toddler’s brain is divided into 2 hemispheres - the right and left. Although they are equal in size, they have very different functions.

In your toddler’s brain, the cerebral hemispheres are divided right down the middle into a right hemisphere and a left hemisphere. Each hemisphere appears to be specialized for some behaviors. The hemispheres communicate with each other through a thick band of 250 million nerve fibers called the corpus callosum.
Although equal in size, these two hemispheres are not the same, and do not carry out the same functions. The left side of the brain performs tasks that have to do with logical thinking, analysis, sequencing, mathematics and language. The right hemisphere performs tasks that are related to creativity, art, imagination, holistic thinking, rhythm, visualization, feelings and emotions.
For the holistic development of your toddler you need to work on the right hemisphere as well as the left hemisphere. Developing both together, in harmony, can increase the functionality of his brain as well as improve concentration and focus.

Let me give you an example.

When a child is encouraged to sing - The emotions for music, the way you  FEEL , is processed in the right hemisphere ,while understanding the lyrics are  processed in the left hemisphere. So work on language skills and emotions happens at the same time,thus  activating both hemispheres.

Also one of the best and easiest ways to stimulate your toddler’s brain is to introduce him to the world of language. You need to talk to your toddler, as much as you can, to develop his vocabulary.

Your child’s personality is formed with the impressions and experiences of their early years. As the primary caregiver, you make the biggest difference in your child’s life. If you can provide an environment of rich experiences, it can go a long way in raising your toddler as a smart & happy child.

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Thursday, May 21, 2015

Are you struggling with Toddler Tantrums

Joshua is an 19 month old toddler.Lately he has started saying “No” for everything thing his mother or father would tell him to do.When his mother tells him to pick up his toys which are scattered all over the floor ,he will say “NO”.When his mother tells him to get ready for a bath and come to the bathroom,he says “NO”.

Have you ever wondered why your 18 month toddler just starts saying a big "NO" to everything.If you ask them to do things or listen to your instructions you will start hearing a “NO” every time. Physically they are always running away from mother .They tend to say NO for everything.They don't even like to share their toys or books.

  Well it is just a period of SELF AFFIRMATION. It starts with a period of saying NO to everything at 18 months and it ends at around 3 years when the child says "I".

At the age of 18 months they start affirming their own individual self. They start realizing their individuality,so they no more want to listen to instructions of the parents.Once they are 18 months old , they start realizing that they are separate beings from their mother.They are just affirming themselves as a separate ego.In the previous months you have done everything to contribute to the child's physical needs. Psychologically now there is a big difference in this period, a period of movement from infancy to childhood.

  Sometimes your three year old toddler can throw a tantrum.It can be quite a challenge especially when it happens in a public spot like a supermarket or a restaurant. He may want something or sometimes he want to go somewhere .Very often the child will be screaming ,shouting and may even lie on the floor and scream.The best way to deal with toddlers,is not to overreact.It is a time to be very patient with the child.Just wait for a while and try to calm the child down .

The toddler whether he is 18 months old or 3 years old wants to be taken into account and consulted with decisions that concern him.He wants to start making his own choices.Parents must understand this aspect of toddlers, otherwise very often it may lead to power struggles with the child.With toddlers it is best to give 2 choices to them.Ask what he wants to do or where he wants to go.Giving them choices helps them acknowledge their individualism.

“Would you like to like to go to the zoo or would you like to go to the puppet show? ”
“Would you like to eat cookies or would you like to eat bananas?”
The toddler may just answer in one word what he wants or just point in the direction he wants to go .

You can empower them by setting limits and at the same time providing choices.You give your child choices between 2 things which are healthy to eat so you are setting limits and at the same time you are giving freedom to them by giving choices.As parents you can give them choices in everyday routine activities like personal care and meals.They want to choose the clothes they want to wear or they may want to do their hair in a certain way or wear some shoes they really like.

Giving choices to your children and understanding their individuality can definitely create less rebellious children and avoid tantrums.

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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Accidents while Potty Training

Accidents while Potty Training

     When you are potty training your child, accidents are definitely a part of this stage and knowing how to handle them is an import part of the potty training process. 
     When you first notice that your baby has wet his clothes or soiled his potty training pants or clothes you should  not overreact  and make the child feel that he has done something wrong. Just be very cool and calm and tell him " It is time to go to the potty". 
  Take him into the bathroom and get him changed and also make him have a short sit on the potty. Even if he has jus emptied his bladder , encourage him to sit on the potty seat.This will help reinforce the association between going to the potty and the potty seat .
     Then get him into  some clean potty training pants and let him get back to play and normal routine.

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Potty training made easy

7 Quick tips to potty train your child

Use cloth not plastic : Avoid using disposable diapers and make the child wear potty training pants.

Maintain a schedule :Understand the needs of your child and create a reasonable toileting schedule that both you and your child can easily maintain.

Be consistentEven if there are setbacks do not revert back and give up potty training.

Never force the child to sit on the potty seat: Avoid putting your child on the potty when crying, fussy, or agitated.

Be patient : A child needs immense amount of adult attention, patience and consistent effort to achieve success in toilet training.

Communicate with other caregiversInform your child’s caregiver to remain constant with the toileting procedures at home and at daycare.

Start early : Start potty training your child when he is a year old.

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